
About Me

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I have been Blogging since 2011. I first started with 2 Blogs about nail polish, which I do from time to time. My main focus is on my more recent Blog which is about photography, mainly nature and wildlife. Welcome to my little world :-)

Sunday, 27 November 2022

My Favourite Crow


This has to be my all time favourite photo of a crow so far. I took this on 5th May this year. I just love his face. I was feeding him and his buddies regularly during the summer at the pond. I was very fond of him, he was more outgoing than his buddies.

Got out yesterday and today. Got some good photos that I will need to tranfer onto the PC.

Saturday, 26 November 2022

A Springy Tree


This was taken on my older phone: HUAWEI P20 Pro. Date:  19 April 2021.

I have often wondered how this spring got into this tree? Maybe it grew there haha! 

Hope everyone is well and you are all have being having a good November. Weather has been really bad here in Scotland, always raining. So haven't really had much chance to get out walking. Shorter days don't help either! And started another job, so have 2 part-times jobs! No time for anything these days.

Wednesday, 23 November 2022

A Happy Snail


I spotted this snail on the branch! It looked happy. I do really like the patterns on snails. Took this one on 6th May this year.

Thursday, 17 November 2022



Isn't this a beautiful bird? I really like Jackdaws, they are part of the crow family. I just love the second photo so much. His face is amazing :-D

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Huge Mushroom


Isn't this mushroom lovely and it is huge! I have my hand there for scale haha! I think it is a Birch Polypore, does anyone know? I am still a novice when it comes to mushrooms! Taken 12 October.

Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Lovely Trees By The Canal


I took this on 13th October. It was a lovely day and a good view of the trees along the canal. I like to walk along the canal, so many interesting things to see.

I hope you are all well. I have been exhausted, busy and not had a lot of time!