This is a fly a plant called Meadowsweet. Both are fairly common in Scotland.
This a lovely little Blue Tit getting the seeds I put down for it. This tree stump is a common place for people to put seeds down on and great for photos too. It attracts Blue Tits, Great Tits, Coal Tits, Nuthatches, Robins, Crows, Pigeons, Squirrels, Blackbirds and a few other birds from time to time. The ones I have listed are very common and plentiful in that part of the forest.
This is Stitch hanging out on the cat tree! He is chilling and often lies like this! He is a lovely cat.
This is a Scarlet Elf Cup mushroom. I think it looks like Pacman! I took this a few days ago. This week I have been getting out my walks. Just short walks but will build it up again.
This is a Hawthorn Shield Bug. I've posted one of these little guys before along with other Shield Bugs. They are nice little things. He was happy to walk on my hand for a short while.
I think this is a Common Bonnet Mushroom. I struggle to identify them and spend ages online trying! Anyway I thought this looked magical.
This is a Wood Pigeon chilling in the grass. I don't really give pigeons the attention I should. Maybe I should start paying more attention to them!
On Friday 24th January Scotland was hit with a bad storm called Eowyn. It was one of the worst we have ever seen. Giorgio over at Change easily ( was asking me for information on it. So it lasted most of the day and died down about 8pm. Sadly, so far 2 people have lost their lives. But the damage to houses and buildings has been really bad. There are trees down all over and fences and debris. I have been out a few times and here are some of the photos of the trees.
This weevil was keen to go up my jacket sleeve! Well I had other ideas....take a photo of it and then put it back on the leaves!
A good few crows here. I always feed them with seeds. They are such wonderful birds and good friends to have I think.
What a lovely view looking up! Tom at posts looking up photos all the time and I think they are wonderful :-D
This is a Golden Pheasant. I took this photo at a farm last summer. I had never seen one prior to this.
Took this a few years ago when there were plenty of frogs. Last year we didn't see too many. Maybe this year there will be more.
I took this photo at the end of last year. I really like it, the colour of the leaves on the grass and ice too.
So about 2 weeks ago we started to experience issues with our boiler, it started losing pressure when it was off and we had to keep topping it up. My partner's friend is a gas engineer and he came to investigate. After a few days of detective work, they both came to the conclusion that there was a leak in the pipes. Oh dear! After pulling up the hardwood floor and digging into the concrete, we found the source of the leak. As you can see from the pipes, it looks like there was a leak before and they just patched it up. The pipes are also very old and damaged. So at the weekend new pipes were fitted and we have our heating back up and running again. There is still a few pipes and radiators to sort but the majority is done. And the good news, our 5 year old boiler is still in good condition!!
This is a little bug, From what I can see online I think it is a "Tricholauxania praeusta". It is a fairly common little fly in this country.
I took this photo in 2021. It is a mother with her ducklings. That whole summer I went up to feed them everyday. It was a fun summer at the pond. They grew to trust me after a week and knew I would feed them. As a thanks, they posed for good photos!!
This is a Small Copper Butterfly. I took this a few years ago. I will be hoping to see more butterflies this year.
This little deer is wondering about me I think! I took this a few years ago. Sadly I didn't see many deer in 2024, maybe I will see more this year.
This is wild garlic. I picked some a few years ago and am hoping to pick more when it arrives this year.