
About Me

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I'm a simple Scottish girl with an unusual name and a strange obsession for nail polish! My aim is to capture what the eye sees, with a camera! Too much nail polish and never enough time. I have also started wildlife photography, which I enjoy very much. Welcome to my little world :-)

Monday 28 October 2024

Autumn Is In Full Swing


Autumn In Scotland

Autumn In Scotland

Autumn is certainly happening over here just now. Gorgeous leaves everywhere!

Sunday 27 October 2024

More Funny Teefs

This post relates back to my post on the 21st October: Funny Teefs 



This camel was at the same farmshop that I saw the Llama in the post on Monday 21st. This Camel pulled a few funny faces and managed to get a shot of his teeth in the second one. They had a few other camels but they didn't pose as well for me. This guy was my favourite and just how adorable is he? 

Saturday 26 October 2024



I took these a few years ago. We have a few rams here. It looks like the older one is shouting at the younger one because he decidced to have a seat! I just love the expression on the older ram and the younger one couldn't care less! Lovely sheep.

Friday 25 October 2024

A Lovely Sky


Beautiful Scottish Sky

I took this photo in January this year. Isn't a wonderful sky?

Thursday 24 October 2024



This is a Cranefly, from what I can see online I think it is a Phantom Cranefly.

Wednesday 23 October 2024

A Beautiful Crow




Haven't posted a crow in a while. This guy was a regular at the pond last year. I would feed him both wild bird seed and the duck pellets. I used to put them in a little bit just for him, as you can see in the second photo. What a gorgeous and intelligent bird. I built up a good relationship with him and he would wait for me nearby. The more crows get to know you, the more they trust you. BUT you have to earn that trust. In return for this food he would pose for my photos! I think building a relationship with a crow is an amazing experience. They are gorgeous and lovely and smart creatures. They are one of my favourite creatures on the planet along with cats and ducks.

Tuesday 22 October 2024

On A Mission


This snail looks like it is on a mission charging forward! It has a lovely pattern I think.

Monday 21 October 2024

Funny Teefs




Just how cute is this Llama? And how goofy and adorable does he look with those teeth of his? I took these in the summer when we were down in England at a farmshop. They also had a few other animals and a great selection of goodies. That part of the country also had super weather, which we lack in Scotland!!!!

Sunday 20 October 2024

Moths Mating


These are photos of 2 Five Spotted Burnet moths mating. If you have a keen eye, you'll notice they have some pollen on them. Moths are great pollinators too.

Saturday 19 October 2024

Friday 18 October 2024

Leaves And Bluebells


I like the combination of leaves and bluebells. The colours work well together as well. This was taken in May a few years ago. Bluebells are well gone at this time of year over here.

Thursday 17 October 2024

Red On The Green


This is a cute little ladybird on the green leaves. It really stands out I think. I have always loved ladybirds, they are cute little creatures.

Wednesday 16 October 2024

A Web In The Sun


This is a spider on its web. From what I gather, it is a common garden spider. The web is perfectly formed. This photo is a few years old.

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Mirid Bugs

These are Mirid Bugs also know as Grypocoris Stysi. I caught a few of them here! I took this photo a few year ago and it was my first sighting of them. Hadn't ever seen them before that!

Monday 14 October 2024

Mr Chaffinch


This is the male Chaffinch. In the first photo he is checking out the seeds I put down then in the second photo he seems pleased with what he has picked! Isn't he a gorgeous bird.

Sunday 13 October 2024

Happy Damsels


These Damselflies certainly were in the mood for love! I took this last summer. These red damsels are very common over here along with the blue ones. This year I didn't see an many as previous years.

Saturday 12 October 2024

Common Blue


This is a common blue butterfly. I took this a few years ago. Sadly this year I didn't see any of these.

Friday 11 October 2024

My Friend Froggie


I took this photo a few years ago. I was saving the baby frogs from being squished and this one looked a bit different from the others. It had a slight green tint to it. He hoppped about my hand for a few minutes and settled, so I decided to get a photo. I have been obsessed with frogs and toads ever since I was a little kid.

Thursday 10 October 2024

1 Year Anniversary


One year ago today Stitch arrived to his forever home with us. He was abandoned and left for dead in a park. A member of the public took him to her local vets in Northamptonshire and a member of the vets team fostered him. He ended up with my partner's step-sister. And we ended up with him! I could not imagine my life without him now. He has been a wonderful addition to our family. In the first photo, that was a few days after he arrived and the other 3 photos are from August. He was at the vets on Tuesday getting his vaccination boosters and the vet said he was a healthy and happy young boy. 

Wednesday 9 October 2024

A Curious Cow


This cow was looking at me with a hint of curiosity I think. Isn't she a lovely girl.

Tuesday 8 October 2024

A Friendly Snail


This snail was going along the path and I decided to pick him up and move him onto the grass so he didn't get squished. While lifting him up I put him onto my hand and he popped out, so I took a few photos. If you are handling snails it is best to have slightly wet hands.

Monday 7 October 2024

Saving A Caterpillar


This is a Vapourer Moth Caterpillar also know as Rusty Tussock. It was on a lamp post and I just had to save it. I got a leaf from the ground, as it is unwise to touch caterpillars, and got it on the leaf then popped it onto the tree. It would have a better chance of surviving that way, I thought. I have never seen one of these caterpillars before and was glad to see something new!

Sunday 6 October 2024

Little Fishy


This little fish had washed up on the beach. I am not entirely sure what type of fish it is! 

Saturday 5 October 2024

Things People Leave In Nature


These are some odd things people have left in nature. First is a packet of cigarettes inside a tree. second is a clothes peg on a tree stump and lastly one shoe in the forest. Aren't humans weird!!

Friday 4 October 2024

Saving The Bees


This is a bee I saved a few years back. Bees are wonderful little creatures and so very important. Sometimes during the summer they need a little extra help so I always carry a sugar solution with me on my walks and feed them it. I have no fear in picking them up and have never been stung while helping a bee. After she got her hit, I put her on a flower, made sure she was okay, took a few photos and then she flew off.

Thursday 3 October 2024

A Friend Came To Visit


These photos are a few years old now. This little fellow came to visit me in my garden. I was taking photos of him down low when he decided to jump onto my hand! To my joy he stayed there for a short time and I got these photos of him. Isn't he gorgeous.

Wednesday 2 October 2024



This is a Ringlet Butterfly. They are really common in my part of Scotland. Though it is very sad that all butterflies are in decline here. I really wish that humans would take much better care of the planet and protect nature.

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Hello October 2024


Autumn is in full swing over here in Scotland and it is the 1st of October. Hallowe'en will be here soon and I love it! The clocks will also change at the end of this month! Happy October everyone :-D

Monday 30 September 2024



This is a Hoverfly! It could easily be mistaken for a bee!