
About Me

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I have been Blogging since 2011. I first started with 2 Blogs about nail polish, which I do from time to time. My main focus is on my more recent Blog which is about photography, mainly nature and wildlife. Welcome to my little world :-)

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

One Year On


Espresso Cup With Coffee Beans In Scotland

This is a personal one! Last year on the 5th of March I decided to quit coffee. I did it cold turkey as well, cutting it out completely. It was hard, really hard. I think it had "coffee flu" the first few weeks. I had also cut out caffeine completely as I stopped drinking black and green teas, I was just drinking herbal teas and Chicory (which is a coffee substitute). After 2 weeks I started to feel better and my stomach was a lot better too. The acidity of the coffee had been killing my stomach. I reintroduced black and green teas about a month or so later and did enjoy them and had no issues with the caffeine. BUT over the Festive Period I noticed that black tea was causing me similar issues with my stomach that the coffee had been. So in early January I quit black teas too. I now only drink green teas and herbal teas. There are so many tasty green teas that I have: Gunpowder, Jasmine, Sencha, White Tea and various others. Since quitting the black teas I haven't had any issues whatsoever with my stomach. Black tea is acidic too so my body was telling me to stop it! Greens teas are alkaline and better for the tummy and down right tasty! I have also been trying to eat more alkaline foods and avoiding acidic ones too. I really cannot believe I had my last coffee on the 4th of March 2024! I really thought coffee defined me! I used to drink 4-6 a day and it was the real stuff, none of this instant rubbish haha! I had a fancy bean to cup coffee machine, various fancy coffee cups and lots of beans and ground coffee. After giving up I gave it all to one of my friends who is a huge coffee fan and he loves the machine. The cup above is an Espresso Cup from Ikea and I found the beans at the back of the cupboard, so thought I'd get a photo of them before I binned them. 

I feel that quitting coffee was the best and worst decision of my life!!

Tuesday, 4 March 2025



Littering in Scotland

I have made a few comments on other blogs about littering and it got me thinking. Littering is such a HUGE problem here in Scotland. Everywhere is plagued by it. I often collect the rubbish when I am out on my nature walks and this is one example. I find it heartbreaking that such lovely forests and green areas are like this. There is also something called "fly tipping" which is illegal over here yet it still happens. People dumping rubbish in places they shouldn't for instance: the forest, housing estates and on the streets. You see all sorts, furniture, beds and lots of other junk. There are signs all over the streets warning people of dumping rubbish and they will be fined, yet I see it all the time and nothing is done. The local authority are slow to remove it and their approach to waste management is shocking. They don't care!!! They would rather the area looking like sh*t than spend a budget on tidying it up. The rest of Scotland is just as bad. I feel ashamed that the people of this country do not respect it! Is littering a problem in your country too?

Monday, 3 March 2025



Starfish At Blackpool Sealife

This is a Starfish. We saw it at Sealife in Blackpool when we were there a few weeks ago. Most creatures on this planet amaze me, but underwater creatures are particularly interesting and fascinating.

Sunday, 2 March 2025

At Night


Snail At Night In Scotland

This snail was on my bin one night so decided to take a photo of it and I let it be! Peace at night!

Saturday, 1 March 2025

First Day Of March

Happy March. Can you believe it is March already! Time sure flies when you get older.

Snowdrops in Scotland

These are Snowdrops, quite common here from January to March. Spring is in the air and it has been fairly mild here too!

Friday, 28 February 2025

Latticed Heath Butterfly


Latticed Heath Butterfly in Scotland

This is a Latticed Heath Butterfly (Chiasmia clathrata). I have only ever seen it this one time so took advantage of getting a photo!

Thursday, 27 February 2025



Bee On Yellow Flower in Scotland

Bees are so important in our world. We must protect them at all costs. Sadly like all creatures, apart from humans, they are in decline.

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Red Damselfly


Red Damselfly In Scotland

This is a few years old. It is a Red Damselfly. I am hoping to see plenty this year.

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Monday, 24 February 2025

Another Tree Down


Tree From Storm Eowyn in Scotland

Tree From Storm Eowyn in Scotland

Not quite down but a good bit blown off from the storm we had last month called Storm Eowyn. I think this one will survive or hope it will.

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Plant Hopper


Plant Hopper on Leaf in Scotland

This little fellow is a Plant Hopper (Cixiidae). They are fairly common over here.

Saturday, 22 February 2025

The Heron Is Fishing


Heron Sitting In The Middle Of A Pond in Scotland

This is the resident Heron at the pond. This photo is a few years old. He still visits the pond on a regular basis.

Friday, 21 February 2025

How Many Seagulls?


Many Seagulls on A Pond in Scotland

Many Seagulls on A Pond in Scotland

Many Seagulls on A Pond in Scotland

How many seagulls can you spot? They were sitting in the pond and they all took off! I thought this would a great photo opportunity.

Thursday, 20 February 2025



Texel Sheep Relaxing In Scotland

This is a Texel Sheep. It was relaxing when I took this photo. It wasn't too bothered that I was nearby taking photos!

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Spider On My Arm


Spider on Woman's Arm in Scotland

This spider was crawling on my chair, I decided to pick it up and it ran up my arm! It is sitting at the inside of my elbow. Not really sure if you can see how big it is, but it was massive! I really like spiders, I know a lot of people don't! Over here in Scotland we don't have any dangerous or deadly native spiders.

Tuesday, 18 February 2025



Blackbird In Scotland

This is a Blackbird. They are really common in Scotland. This is the stump where I feed the birds and it is great to get photos of them.

Monday, 17 February 2025

Water Droplets

My friend Fernando over at: posts a lot of photos of water droplets. So I thought I would try it out after seeing his great photos. 

Water Droplet in Scotland

Water Droplet in Scotland

I like the reflections on these.

Sunday, 16 February 2025



Tetraodontidae in Sea Life Loch Lomond in Scotland

I saw this little cutie at Sea Life in Loch Lomond. It is a Tetraodontidae. He always looks happy when we visit Sea Life.

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Unsure Gull


Seagull in Scotland

Seagull in Scotland

This Gull looked a but unsure of me taking his photo! He did pose well for me though.

Friday, 14 February 2025

Happy Valentine's Day

Grandaisy Pink Halo in Scotland

Happy Valentine's Day everyone. These are Grandaisy Pink Halo (Argyranthemum frutescens), I thought they would be the ideal flowers for today! Have a great day everyone :-D

Thursday, 13 February 2025

Crow And Pellets


Crow Collecting Pellets In Scotland

I put floating pellets in the pond for the ducks and coots. I also put some at the edge of the water for the crows. This crow was happy to get a collection of them!

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Drone Fly On A Leaf


Drone Fly On A Leaf In Scotland

This is a Drone Fly (Eristalis arbustorum) on a leaf. You can see the sun shining on his back.

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Bee On A Flower


Bee On Purple Flower In Scotland

This is a bee on Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis). This purple flower is fairly common in Scotland during summer months and attracts a lot of insects.

Monday, 10 February 2025

A Little Snow On The Leaves


Snow On Leaves In Scotland

Took this a few weeks ago. We had a little snow and I like how it was frozen on the leaves.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

A Hungry Racoon


Racoon At Chessington Zoo

We saw this Racoon at Chessington Zoo last year. Lovely little creature and looked happy.

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Friday, 7 February 2025

Shelter for Fairies


Mushrooms in Scotland

Not quite sure what these mushrooms are but they sure do offer shelter to the fairies in the forest.

Thursday, 6 February 2025

Fly On Meadowsweet


Fly On Meadowsweet in Scotland

This is a fly a plant called Meadowsweet. Both are fairly common in Scotland.

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Blue Tit Feeding


Blue Tit Feeding On Seeds in Scotland

This a lovely little Blue Tit getting the seeds I put down for it. This tree stump is a common place for people to put seeds down on and great for photos too. It attracts Blue Tits, Great Tits, Coal Tits, Nuthatches, Robins, Crows, Pigeons, Squirrels, Blackbirds and a few other birds from time to time. The ones I have listed are very common and plentiful in that part of the forest.

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Winter Sun


Winter Sun In Scotland

Another recent photo from last week. A beautiful winter sun scene.

Monday, 3 February 2025

A Crow And A Moorhen Went Ice Skating


Moorhen on an Icy Pond In Scotland

Crow on an Icy Pond In Scotland

Crow and Moorhen on an Icy Pond In Scotland

Took these the other day when it was really frosty. The pond was mostly frozen and I put seeds down and a crow appeared then the resident moorhen couldn't resist the allure of the seeds! Was fun to watch them. 

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Stitch Is Hanging!


This is Stitch hanging out on the cat tree! He is chilling and often lies like this! He is a lovely cat.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Pacman Mushroom


Scarlet Elf Cup in Scotland

This is a Scarlet Elf Cup mushroom. I think it looks like Pacman! I took this a few days ago. This week I have been getting out my walks. Just short walks but will build it up again.

Friday, 31 January 2025

Frozen Apple


Frozen Apple in Scotland

This is an apple from our garden tree. It was frosty and frozen and I think it looks really cool!

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Hawthorn Shield Bug


Hawthorn Shield Bug in Scotland

This is a Hawthorn Shield Bug. I've posted one of these little guys before along with other Shield Bugs. They are nice little things. He was happy to walk on my hand for a short while.

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Common Bonnet


Common Bonnet Mushroom in Scotland

I think this is a Common Bonnet Mushroom. I struggle to identify them and spend ages online trying! Anyway I thought this looked magical.

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Wood Pigeon


Wood Pigeon in Scotland

This is a Wood Pigeon chilling in the grass. I don't really give pigeons the attention I should. Maybe I should start paying more attention to them! 

Monday, 27 January 2025

Storm Eowyn

On Friday 24th January Scotland was hit with a bad storm called Eowyn. It was one of the worst we have ever seen. Giorgio over at Change easily ( was asking me for information on it. So it lasted most of the day and died down about 8pm. Sadly, so far 2 people have lost their lives. But the damage to houses and buildings has been really bad. There are trees down all over and fences and debris. I have been out a few times and here are some of the photos of the trees.

Storm Eowyn in Scotland

Storm Eowyn in Scotland

Storm Eowyn in Scotland

Storm Eowyn in Scotland

Storm Eowyn in Scotland

Storm Eowyn in Scotland