This is a personal one! Last year on the 5th of March I decided to quit coffee. I did it cold turkey as well, cutting it out completely. It was hard, really hard. I think it had "coffee flu" the first few weeks. I had also cut out caffeine completely as I stopped drinking black and green teas, I was just drinking herbal teas and Chicory (which is a coffee substitute). After 2 weeks I started to feel better and my stomach was a lot better too. The acidity of the coffee had been killing my stomach. I reintroduced black and green teas about a month or so later and did enjoy them and had no issues with the caffeine. BUT over the Festive Period I noticed that black tea was causing me similar issues with my stomach that the coffee had been. So in early January I quit black teas too. I now only drink green teas and herbal teas. There are so many tasty green teas that I have: Gunpowder, Jasmine, Sencha, White Tea and various others. Since quitting the black teas I haven't had any issues whatsoever with my stomach. Black tea is acidic too so my body was telling me to stop it! Greens teas are alkaline and better for the tummy and down right tasty! I have also been trying to eat more alkaline foods and avoiding acidic ones too. I really cannot believe I had my last coffee on the 4th of March 2024! I really thought coffee defined me! I used to drink 4-6 a day and it was the real stuff, none of this instant rubbish haha! I had a fancy bean to cup coffee machine, various fancy coffee cups and lots of beans and ground coffee. After giving up I gave it all to one of my friends who is a huge coffee fan and he loves the machine. The cup above is an Espresso Cup from Ikea and I found the beans at the back of the cupboard, so thought I'd get a photo of them before I binned them.
I feel that quitting coffee was the best and worst decision of my life!!