This is a Latticed Heath Butterfly (Chiasmia clathrata). I have only ever seen it this one time so took advantage of getting a photo!
This is a Latticed Heath Butterfly (Chiasmia clathrata). I have only ever seen it this one time so took advantage of getting a photo!
Bees are so important in our world. We must protect them at all costs. Sadly like all creatures, apart from humans, they are in decline.
This is the resident Heron at the pond. This photo is a few years old. He still visits the pond on a regular basis.
This is a Texel Sheep. It was relaxing when I took this photo. It wasn't too bothered that I was nearby taking photos!
This spider was crawling on my chair, I decided to pick it up and it ran up my arm! It is sitting at the inside of my elbow. Not really sure if you can see how big it is, but it was massive! I really like spiders, I know a lot of people don't! Over here in Scotland we don't have any dangerous or deadly native spiders.
This is a Blackbird. They are really common in Scotland. This is the stump where I feed the birds and it is great to get photos of them.
My friend Fernando over at: posts a lot of photos of water droplets. So I thought I would try it out after seeing his great photos.
I like the reflections on these.
I saw this little cutie at Sea Life in Loch Lomond. It is a Tetraodontidae. He always looks happy when we visit Sea Life.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone. These are Grandaisy Pink Halo (Argyranthemum frutescens), I thought they would be the ideal flowers for today! Have a great day everyone :-D
I put floating pellets in the pond for the ducks and coots. I also put some at the edge of the water for the crows. This crow was happy to get a collection of them!
This is a bee on Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis). This purple flower is fairly common in Scotland during summer months and attracts a lot of insects.
Not quite sure what these mushrooms are but they sure do offer shelter to the fairies in the forest.
This a lovely little Blue Tit getting the seeds I put down for it. This tree stump is a common place for people to put seeds down on and great for photos too. It attracts Blue Tits, Great Tits, Coal Tits, Nuthatches, Robins, Crows, Pigeons, Squirrels, Blackbirds and a few other birds from time to time. The ones I have listed are very common and plentiful in that part of the forest.
This is Stitch hanging out on the cat tree! He is chilling and often lies like this! He is a lovely cat.
This is a Scarlet Elf Cup mushroom. I think it looks like Pacman! I took this a few days ago. This week I have been getting out my walks. Just short walks but will build it up again.