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I have been Blogging since 2011. I first started with 2 Blogs about nail polish, which I do from time to time. My main focus is on my more recent Blog which is about photography, mainly nature and wildlife. Welcome to my little world :-)

Friday, 21 March 2025

A Wasp On Wood


Wasp on Wood In Scotland

Wasps are much hated creatures. Yes, they do sting but so do bees. I understand a dislike and fear if you are allergic to them. I know someone who is. I have never had a problem with them and they are needed in our world. Let them get on with their lives and they'll leave us to it. I've been reading up on how intelligent wasps really are, amazing. I really think most people don't give nature enough credit when it is due. Some people do though :-)


  1. Bello questo post e foto.Buonanotte

  2. An amazing shot of the wasp, I love it.

  3. Your beautiful and detailed photo brings me close to subject.

  4. ...better on wood than on my arm.

  5. Hello Ananka,
    What a good picture of that bee. Very nice!!

    Many greetings,

  6. I think wasps are prettier than bees though

  7. Beautiful -Christine

  8. It's really pretty. I leave them alone but my wife is one of those with a severe allergy to bee stings, she once ended up in the ICU because of a sting.

  9. Boy, will I leave a wasp alone!

  10. Definitely not a fan of them...needed or not..

  11. I have learned to love bees. Wasps, Hornets, and Yellowjackets need not apply. But I'll leave them alone if they aren't getting into mischief.

  12. Wasps and bees are similar and only sting to defend themselves. The problem arises when the sting comes in swarms, this is very dangerous, because even those who are not allergic to the venom of these insects will suffer from the amount of stingers.
    (ꈍᴗꈍ) Poetic and cinematic greetings.

  13. I admire them greatly. We have an agreement not to bother each other and for the most part it works! I have been stung a few times, but not many, really. The worst was when I stepped into the shower not knowing a wasp wasp there and it stung me on the bottom of my foot.

  14. They don't usually bite unless you disturb them. For people allergic to them, they pose a real danger. A friend of my son died from one; he didn't have the antidote on hand.

  15. I'm not too keen on wasps, but that is a very good photograph.

    All the best Jan
