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I have been Blogging since 2011. I first started with 2 Blogs about nail polish, which I do from time to time. My main focus is on my more recent Blog which is about photography, mainly nature and wildlife. Welcome to my little world :-)

Monday, 10 March 2025

Meet Cali and Cleo

On the 20th of Feb we got 2 more cats taking me up to 6 cats! They were with a household who couldn't look after them so they were going to end up in the shelter where they came from. I couldn't see that happen so stepped in and brought them home to their Forever Home. They are both girls and wonderful little cats. First up is Cali:

Black and White Cat In Scotland

Black and White Cat In Scotland

Black and White Cat In Scotland

Black and White Cat In Scotland

Cali is a lovely girl with a sweet personality. She has settled in well and is very chatty and loves a cuddle.

Up next is Cleo:
Black Cat In Scotland

Black Cat In Scotland

Black Cat In Scotland

Cleo is pure black apart from a little white bib on her front. She is very shy but also very brave! She is very sweet and loves cuddles too but she doesn't talk! My other black cat Stitch doesn't talk either, I wonder if it is a black cat thing?

I am so glad to have taken these cats and they are now very happy with us.


  1. It doesn't take long for them to settle right in. The other cats must be very curious. It was very nice of you to give them a forever home.

  2. ...ah, to be a cat. What a charmed life.

  3. Brava che ti sei presa cura dei gatti,molto carini.Olga

  4. Six seems a lot to me. When does compassion become obsession? There was a recent news story here about a woman with fifty-five cats in a regular suburban home.

  5. The black one is my favorite.

  6. Aww they look lovely ...

    All the best Jan

  7. Congratulations on your new fur babies

  8. Dear Ananka! I am glad to see Cali and Cleo! They are so sweet!

  9. 6 cats! Wow, that would be a busy household!

  10. Thank you for blessing them with their forever home, they are such beautiful girls.
