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I have been Blogging since 2011. I first started with 2 Blogs about nail polish, which I do from time to time. My main focus is on my more recent Blog which is about photography, mainly nature and wildlife. Welcome to my little world :-)

Tuesday, 4 March 2025



Littering in Scotland

I have made a few comments on other blogs about littering and it got me thinking. Littering is such a HUGE problem here in Scotland. Everywhere is plagued by it. I often collect the rubbish when I am out on my nature walks and this is one example. I find it heartbreaking that such lovely forests and green areas are like this. There is also something called "fly tipping" which is illegal over here yet it still happens. People dumping rubbish in places they shouldn't for instance: the forest, housing estates and on the streets. You see all sorts, furniture, beds and lots of other junk. There are signs all over the streets warning people of dumping rubbish and they will be fined, yet I see it all the time and nothing is done. The local authority are slow to remove it and their approach to waste management is shocking. They don't care!!! They would rather the area looking like sh*t than spend a budget on tidying it up. The rest of Scotland is just as bad. I feel ashamed that the people of this country do not respect it! Is littering a problem in your country too?


  1. ...must of our snow has melted and the landscape has litter everywhere!

  2. We are on the same boat here in Italy, dear Ananka. Local authorities are not ready as they should be, as they are not able to deal with such social and environmental problem. Same people who throw waste in the forests are not Italians. They come from other East European countries and are not aware about the importance of waste recycling. But the main problem is that there is also illegal disposal of dangerous waste, such asbestos and toxic paints. I think policy-makers have to issue other penal sanctions for environmental crimes.

  3. There are too many laws but no legal enforcement

  4. It's the same here, signs, fines but on one is around to enforce it. Sad indeed!
