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I have been Blogging since 2011. I first started with 2 Blogs about nail polish, which I do from time to time. My main focus is on my more recent Blog which is about photography, mainly nature and wildlife. Welcome to my little world :-)

Wednesday, 12 March 2025

A Fairly Happy Elephant

Another one from our trip to Blackpool. We went to the Zoo and they have a few Elephants. I thought this one looked fairly happy. I have mixed feelings about Zoos.

Elephant at Blackpool Zoo



  1. I think he's even smiling. :)

    1. He looks like he is smiling. Thanks :-D

  2. might be happier is it wasn't in a zoo.

    1. This is it Tom. But dangers lurk in the wild too!

  3. Looks like the elephant is smiling.

  4. Yes, mixed feelings but it is magical to see them. Especially happy and well cared for. Thank you for sharing dear Aloha

    1. Yes agree. Magical to see. Thanks Cloudia, Aloha :-D

  5. Boa tarde. Uma ótima tarde de quarta-feira. Foto linda. Parabéns.

  6. That seems the South East Asian elephant, which is smaller than the African one.

  7. No me guntan Ananka, la foto sí. Pienso que los animales tienen que estar en libertad.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Animals are better in the wild yes but sadly dangers lurk there too. Thanks :-D

  8. Uy que lindo elefante. Temando un beso.

  9. Various studies have revealed that elephants do not do well in captivity, unless they are free to roam over large tracts of land. Confined in close quarters, and indoors during cold winters is anathema for them.

    1. I've read some of those. It would ideal if we didn't need zoos at all bit sadly, again, humans destroy everything and are the worse danger to Elephants and other animals. Sad really isn't it :-(

  10. Looks like there some hay on their head.

  11. He's a lovely elephant. I have mixed views on zoos also, but I appreciate their conservation efforts. A lot of zoos these days seem to have more room that makes a more natural environment for them. I wish this for all of them. I still have mixed views and would much rather them be in their own natural habitat but many are being put on the endangered list. That's why I think there is a place for zoos in this world and do a lot of good.

    1. Yes I think they are sadly needed due to us humans. They do a lot of good work and the animals are well looked after over here. If only we respected them and cared for them we wouldn't need zoos! Thanks :-D

  12. It's great to see this elephant looking content, but I understand your mixed feelings about zoos. On one hand, they offer a chance to learn about animals and conservation, but on the other, it’s tough to reconcile that with the idea of animals living in captivity. Hopefully, places like Blackpool Zoo work towards improving animal welfare and contribute to important conservation efforts.

    I hope the elephant's happiness reflects the efforts being made to provide a better life for zoo animals. Thanks for sharing this moment from your trip!

    I just shared a new post you are invited to read:

    Have a lovely Thursday!

    1. Yes I am glad you understand my mixed feelings. Sadly due to humans they are needed. They are well looked after and cared for so that is the main thing. Thanks Melody :-D

  13. I don't think that animals are happy in zoos!

  14. I'm not fond of zoos either--- I remember going to the zoo in San Francisco when I was young. The elephants were in the elephant house, which also had outside areas with each room. I remember it smelled awful. San Diego had a better idea with their Wild Animal Park (now called something else) where the animals run free in large areas.

    1. Things are a lot better now I think. And over here they respect the animals and take good care of them. Sadly needed though :-(

  15. I haven't been to a zoo in more than a decade...hope the large animals like elephants have enough space in the zoo.

  16. p.s I still can't follow your blog...not sure what happened. It could be on my side. Was trying to follow you through Blogger Reading List, well, I guess what? I can't follow more than 200 I tried other browsers, still didn't work.

    1. Ahhh right so that's the issues. Now we know. I went through my list a while ago and deleted the ones who hadn't posted in years! Thanks :-D

  17. That looks indeed a happy elephant
