
About Me

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I'm a simple Scottish girl with an unusual name and a strange obsession for nail polish! My aim is to capture what the eye sees, with a camera! Too much nail polish and never enough time. I have also started wildlife photography, which I enjoy very much. Welcome to my little world :-)

Tuesday 2 July 2024



Such beautiful creatures! The first photo looks like he is sticking his tongue out at me!! Cheeky little fellow haha! And the second deer is looking right at me. I was on zoom but not that far from them. They didn't seem too bothered by me. These were both from last March, so I am guessing they are all grown up now. 


  1. Very calm and cute looking deer. Wonderful shots!

  2. They are wonderful creatures and your pictures are splendid. Here, the population of White-tailed Deer is getting a little out of hand. Their natural predators (primarily wolves) have been removed and they are eating themselves out of house and home and spilling over into suburban backyards. People love them though, and it’s not hard to see why.

    1. They really are. Hopefully things will settle without having to take drastic measures. There aren't so many over here now, so many end up dead on the roads :-( Glad you like the photos, thanks :-D

  3. They sure are cute! I love seeing the deer when they show up here.

  4. Bello ciervo. Te mando un beso.

  5. Thanks Ananka,
    I love the deer!!

  6. Ha ha ha! That little deer is making fun of you...
    Nice shots

    1. Yes he really is haha! Thanks Fernando :-D
