
About Me

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I'm a simple Scottish girl with an unusual name and a strange obsession for nail polish! My aim is to capture what the eye sees, with a camera! Too much nail polish and never enough time. I have also started wildlife photography, which I enjoy very much. Welcome to my little world :-)

Sunday 15 September 2024

In The Woods


I took this while walking in the woods. I really liked how these trees were. I think the branches on the ground look like a spider!

Saturday 14 September 2024

Hallowe'en Mushrooms


These mushrooms are getting ready for Hallowe'en. I am not sure what they are, from my research I came up with Leafy Brain? Does anyone know what they are?

Friday 13 September 2024

Babies Will Be Here Soon


This is a Pregnant Green Dock Beetle. I love these little beetles because of their colours, they are iridescent wonders.

Thursday 12 September 2024

Winning The Race


It looks like there might be a clear winner in this race, but who knows!

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Glasgow Mela 2024

Something a wee bit different today. At the end of June we went to the Glasgow Mela. The Mela celebrates Asian culture in Glasgow. Asian in the UK is Indian, Pakistani and surrounding areas and not Chinese or Japanese. It is a wonderful event and I have been going for many years now. There is a lot of dancing, singing, plenty of good food and lots of event for the kids. Here are some photos from the event this year.

The 3rd photo is a little Aphid that landed on my hand, of course I had to get a photo of him before he flew off! And the last photo, I somehow ended up with the official photographers and got a good shot of these dancers

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Well Eaten Leaves


These are some well eaten dock leaves! The Green Dock Beetle and maybe slugs too, feast on these leaves.

Monday 9 September 2024

A Lovely Hoverfly


This is a hoverfly. I really liked the colouring on this one.

Sunday 8 September 2024

A Twisted Tree


This tree is amazing, It twists round. It like the texture and how this tree looks.

Saturday 7 September 2024

Friday 6 September 2024

Friendly Deer


We visited Chessington a few months ago, I'll post photos soon. It is about a 9 hour drive back home so we stopped at a service station on the way back and came upon this glorious sight! 2 deer right next to the cars on the grass. I obviously took the opportunity to get photos! There was a forest at the back, so they must have come from there. They did seem relaxed with humans, something I would warn all animals not to be haha!

Thursday 5 September 2024

Autumn Is Coming


There are signs of Autumn all over the place just now in Scotland. I really liked this leaf. I am not sure if someone put it on the fence or if it fell like that. Either way, I was impressed! I took this photo last week.

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Standing To Attention


This is a lovely squirrel. I was lucky to capture this moment a few weeks ago. He really is a cutie.

Does anyone do fasting? I have just finished a 3 day water fast. I actually found it okay and intend to do it again soon.

Tuesday 3 September 2024

A Hungry Wasp


Someone had spilled juice on a bench and this wasp appeared. It was hungy I think. I do like wasps a lot and love taking photos of them. They are interesting little things.

Monday 2 September 2024

A Nice Pair


These are a lovely pair of Yellow-Bellied Terrapins. Something has caught their attention!

Sunday 1 September 2024

Water Lily


This is an unopened yellow water lily. I spotted it a long the canal in July. Isn't it pretty.

Happy September :-D