
About Me

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I'm a simple Scottish girl with an unusual name and a strange obsession for nail polish! My aim is to capture what the eye sees, with a camera! Too much nail polish and never enough time. I have also started wildlife photography, which I enjoy very much. Welcome to my little world :-)

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Standing To Attention


This is a lovely squirrel. I was lucky to capture this moment a few weeks ago. He really is a cutie.

Does anyone do fasting? I have just finished a 3 day water fast. I actually found it okay and intend to do it again soon.


  1. Cute squirrel, your are lucky to find it.
    I drink a lot of water but I don't fast...

    1. I was very lucky! I drink plenty water too, it is so important. Thanks Fernando :-D

  2. Adorable squirrel. My yard is full of them because at dinner time I feed the birds and take a handful of peanuts outdoors for the squirrels. They wait for me, and if I am late, they will stand at attention to watch me as I finish up in the kitchen. They can see me through the window. I love my furry little friends.

    1. They are good friends to have. I don't get any in my garden, just in the forests that I visit. Thanks :-D

  3. That's the grey squirrel. Marvelous creature!

  4. It is definitely thinking there

  5. That is a cute squirrel. Hey, I'm too slow to fast.

    1. He really is a cutie. Haha Terry, I like, good one! :-D

  6. O esquilo está atento só observando. Bela foto!
    Jejum de água? Você ficou sem tomar água?
    Beijos! (❤ ω ❤)

    1. He is lovely. No, it when you don't eat food and only drink water! :-D

  7. I do like squirrels, we have some that like to visit the garden.
    Great photograph.

    No I don't fast.
    I am not a medical expert, and although some find water fasting may have some health benefits, it also poses risks and is not suitable for everyone.
    You may find these two articles of interest:-

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. You are luck, they don't visit my garden! Glad you like the photo.

      Thanks Jan, I posted a comment on your blog. I know there are a lot people that cannot fast. Good articles :-D

    2. Yes, many thanks for the comment ...
      Pleased you enjoyed the articles.

      All the best Jan

  8. This squirrel is very sweet like all squirrels.

  9. Such a cute squirrel! Good shot!
    NO fasting for me 😀

  10. There's something noble about that squirrel.

    1. Yes there is, you are right Kirk. Thanks :-D

  11. Squirrels are such beautiful animals!
    (ꈍᴗꈍ) Poetic and cinematic greetings.

  12. Squirrels are goofy, and I love them.

    1. Yeah they are brilliant and goofy. I think ducks can be goofy too. Thanks :-D

  13. I have never fasted; I have never even considered it, in fact. Did you consult with your doctor before doing this?

    1. I used to fast for 18 hours regularly. But I thought I'd try a longer fast. I have no health issues (certainly that I am aware of) so I didn't feel the need to ask the doctor!

    2. I don’t know anything about the alleged benefits or the potential downside of fasting, but it seems to me that taking such a drastic course of action would better be done with sound medical advice. You may not have health issues, but certain actions may cause issues. Fasting in the extreme is tantamount to a hunger strike, and there is a point where your body will attack its own tissue. Obviously you are far from that stage, but it seems to me wise to seek advice before doing it. A diabetic doesn’t know that she is diabetic until the diagnosis confirms it, so absence of knowledge of a condition is not a reason for actions that may have unforeseen consequences.

    3. So far since doing it I have been feeling a lot better. It cannot be any worse than smoking, drinking or other things people do to themselves! I have read a lot of articles on it from both medical and non-medical sources.

      These is another fast people do where they don't eat anything and don't drink either. I couldn't do that at all. I need water. Humans need water! Time will tell I guess.

  14. Lo considero también mucha suerte, porque yo no pude capturar ninguna. Siempre estaban en las ramas de los árboles más altos, saltando de uno a otro con extrema ligeresa.
    Un abrazo.

    1. I was lucky! Yes you can hear them jumping around up there! Thanks :-D

  15. This is such a cute photo! I've never done fasting (I don't think I have the inner strength to do that) but I am curious about your experience, for sure!

    1. Thanks, glad you like it. I used to do 18 hour fasts and thought I'd try a longer one. It was hard the first 2 days with the hunger pangs and rumbling tummy. I also had a mild headache, so just drank more water. You can drink tea and coffee as well, as long as you don't put anything into it. At times I did feel tired but I think I might have just been tired anyway! I felt at other times to be more alert and remembering to do stuff without prompts and such. I can say it was quite a nice experience, especially since my jeans were a tad looser. I am not doing it to lose weight, I am doing it for my health and immune system. During a 3 day fast, from what I gather, the body goes into autophagy. This is were the cells basically regenerate. I am only new to it, so learning about it everyday when I read up on it. Hope that helps :-D
