
About Me

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I have been Blogging since 2011. I first started with 2 Blogs about nail polish, which I do from time to time. My main focus is on my more recent Blog which is about photography, mainly nature and wildlife. Welcome to my little world :-)

Wednesday, 5 June 2024


Hello everyone. I hope you are all well. I am doing good now.

For a few months after Christmas I really wasn't well. I had constant colds, chest infections and just really not well. In early March I decided to quit my 5 cups of coffee-a-day habit and cut coffee out completely. I did it cold turkey. The first week was rough, let me tell you! The second week things started to pick up. After 4 weeks I started drinking 1 black tea or 2 green teas. I noticed a big difference giving up coffee - sleeping better, stomach is better and generally feeling a lot better. Since I quit, I haven't been ill either! 3 months without any issues! Long may it continue! I also decided to quit caffeine completely last week. And have had a new lease of life. I am no longer a slave to caffeine! I feel free now! I also stopped drinking tap water round about the same time in March. I now drink still bottled water, plenty herbal teas that I blend myself and recently discovered the wonders of chicory - which is very much like coffee! 

One of my cats, Jethro, was diagnosed with Kidney Disease in early February, I really thought he was a goner because he was very ill. He started a special Renal diet and is doing okay as I type. He has lost a lot of weight but still acting normal. This caused me a lot of stress and was very down for a long time.

I haven't really been doing a lot of walking but trying to get out more. Sadly, due to this, I have piled on the weight. I am now trying to shift it and get fitter in general. I still have lots of photos to post and also started painting my nails again so will be posting on my nail polish blogs too! 


  1. ...first off, it's nice to see your blog appear on my readers list. Ananka, take care and be well!!!

    1. Thanks Tom :-D I am hoping to be. Great to be back :-D

  2. Dear Ananka! I am on the 7th heaven because you are back again! I am sorry that Jethro is sick. I hope you are all right at the present time.

    1. Thanks Irina, I am so pleased to hear this :-D Yes it is a shame but he is doing okay. We are all good thanks :-D

  3. So good to see your update. I am glad you are on a good road to recovery. I have a very bad cough at the moment. An awful allergy season here.. we finally get rain and all the fresh grass is getting to me.

    1. Thank you. Allergies are no fun at all. I hope you get passed it.

  4. Great to hear you are doing better. Wow, about caffeine! I am down to one cup in the morning. I noticed my legs felt different last night because I did have a cold brew at noon. I won't be doing that again.

    1. Thanks :-D Yes it has made such a difference to me :-D

  5. Awesome! You are back. Good to hear your cat is doing better too. All the best to your health.

    1. Thanks :-D Yes he is okay just now :-D

  6. So glad you are better now. -Christine

  7. I'm glad you are feeling better. I gave up coffee about 6 years ago and it was great for me too. Hugs to your Jethro. Our Angel Brian live a happy 11 years after being diagnosed with kidney disease. Take care.

    1. Thanks Terry. It is a good thing to quit! I really hope Jethro get better soon. He is okay just now. Thanks :-D

  8. I'm glad you feel better and that you're sharing those photos you have again.
    I also didn't publish for a year and had some problems, but a month ago I returned.

    1. Thanks Fernando. Hope you are okay as well :-D

  9. Nice to see you again, I just got back myself. Glad you feel better and I hope your kitty will feel the same.

    1. Thanks Bill. Here is hoping we are all well :-D

  10. Se ve que ahora todo marcha de forma satisfactoria. Yo suelo tomar un café para desayunar, pero descafeinado y una tostada con mantequilla. Los domingos, como una exepción , lo acompaño de churros.
    Me alegro de que todo vaya mejor.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Things are better now. I do miss my coffees though!

  11. Many thanks for the update, it's so nice to see you back posting.
    Take care and continue to look after yourself, our health is so important.
    Pleased too that your cat is doing better.

    Sending lots of good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan glad to be back :-D Health is really important yes :-D Hopefully my cat does improve :-D

  12. Over 1 year and 4 months ago, I quit coffee cold turkey too. My health improved greatly. Tremor stopped and hair loss stopped as well. Occasionally I drink caffeine free latte small size. That would be once in a long while.

    1. That is good to hear :-D I doubt I'll go back to coffee again!

  13. Me alegra leerte de nuevo y que estés mejor al igual que tu gatito. Te mando un beso.

  14. I was wondering about your absence. You've been missed.

  15. Hello Ananka,
    I wish you all the best and I hope you will be well soon.

    Warm regards,

    1. Thanks Marco, feeling so much better these days :-D

  16. It always makes me so happy when you post! Thank you for the update. I'm sorry to hear that you were ill, but how fantastic that cutting out coffee has made such a big difference so far! You are amazing! It is so difficult to cut out items like that. You definitely have a lot of willpower. Sending all the love to your cat. Here is hoping everything continues to go well. <3

    1. Thanks Shannon, so glad to see you here. Yes, thanks, I am a lot better and noticed a huge difference quitting coffee! The first few weeks were hard but I got there and no longer need it in my life. I'll give my cat a big hug! Thanks <3

  17. Welcome back!
    I don't think I could give up caffeine, well done to you for managing to do it, sounds as if it has done you the world of good.

    1. Thanks, glad to be here. Haha well I used to say that too! I would drink so much coffee! Oh itc certainly has done me the world of good for sure! :-D
