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I have been Blogging since 2011. I first started with 2 Blogs about nail polish, which I do from time to time. My main focus is on my more recent Blog which is about photography, mainly nature and wildlife. Welcome to my little world :-)

Friday, 23 August 2024

Green Bottle Fly


This is a Green Bottle Fly. I usually call them Disco Flies! They look like they are heading off to the disco I think! I am really not a fan of flies mainly because they bite me and I usually take a bad reaction but I do realise they are so important in our world. I remember someone saying to me if it weren't for flies we'd be knee high in dog poo! Yes people just let their dogs crap all over the street in Scotland sadly. My spider friends have also told me that they are very tasty, but I think I'll pass!


  1. ...and who wants to be knee high in dog poo?

  2. What a colourful little guy.

  3. The Green Bottle Fly, or "Disco Fly" as you affectionately call it, certainly does have a distinctive look with its vibrant colors! It’s interesting to think about how such creatures, which can be a nuisance, play crucial roles in our ecosystem. Despite their reputation, they contribute significantly to decomposition and nutrient cycling.

    It's a fascinating reminder of the balance in nature, even if they’re not always our favorite neighbors. And while they might not be the best dining choice for us, they do have their place in the food chain!

    I invite you to read my new blog post and let me know what you think:

    1. He really has good colouring to him. Yes they are so important in our ecosystem, despite being annoying! I agree. Thanks :-D

  4. Las moscas, las quiero lejos de mi vivienda y no quiero verlas nada más que afuera.
    Feliz fin de semana. Un abrazo.

    1. Yes I agree, I don't like them in the house either! Better outside. Thanks :-D

  5. The green is looking special

  6. Love this -Christine

  7. Linda mosca. Te mando un beso.

  8. Bright and beautiful!
    Lovely capture.

  9. He looks like he's radioactive!

  10. Oh no, I would have never thought of Scottish people who let their dogs crap all over the street. Unfortunately, we see this uncivilized behavior here in Rome and its surroundings.

    1. Oh Giorgio, you wouldn't believe how bad it is over here :-( It makes me so sad.
